Spinner Medical Recruitment are experts in recruiting psychiatrists and other medical specialists for healthcare services in Australia & beyond.


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Lucrative Jobs

Our goal is to help you find a great job, for the right money, in the right place. We provide detailed advice on eligibility, salaries and allowances, hospitals, services, health service management, job interview coaching and contract negotiation.

Top Locations

We want to find a location which makes you happy. We can brief you on property trends, tax, primary, secondary education, partner work opportunities, climate, cultural & economic conditions, to ensure you make the right choice for you and your family.

Friendly, free help.

Once you get the job you want, we will project manage you through any complex medical college, medical registration and visa processes - helping and guiding you all the way. So that when it is time to leave, you're good to go!

Ready to find your next big challenge? Let's Go!


Expedited Specialist Pathway

Expedited Specialist Pathway

Keen observers of Australia's fiendish methods for the assessment of specialist international medical graduates have known since April 2024 that there are new proposed pathways for GPs , Anaesthetists, Obs & Gyn and Psychiatrists, being devised by the devilish minds at AHPRA... read more...

Western Australian Immediate Pay Increases !

Western Australian Immediate Pay Increases !

Western Australia Pay rises! New Industrial Agreement brings Big Wins for WA Doctors. It's been a while since I have posted on here but bringing good news is a very satisfying way to return to the keyboard. September brings a fantastic win for medical practitioners in Western Australia. read more...

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