Is Australia starting to open up again?

Posted February 26 2021 By Alasdair Spinner

Australia’s largest airline, Qantas indicated this week it will restart international flights in October. The airline posted a AU$1.17 billion loss for the 6 months to December 2020. Clearly they’ve been crunching various numbers - Australian vaccine roll-out speed, vaccine efficacy and levels of booking enquiries to ensure when they start flying again. It would be a decision properly modelled and thought out following consultation with government.


With Australia’s vaccine roll-out now moving at pace, the confidence expressed by such a major airline, suggests the number of doctors changing jobs within Australia and moving to new locations will also ramp up again.

Why is this important? If doctors start leaving jobs it creates opportunities for international medical graduates to back fill the posts. So, if you’ve noticed a slow down in advertised posts by health services themselves and agencies over the last 10 months, expect to see it pick up again from April onwards.


And that's a win-win situation!

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