AHPRA has finally revealed details of the new ESP for psychiatry.
Expedited Specialist pathway is the pathway which enables SIMGs to qualify for specialist registration on the
basis of holding a qualification that the Board considers to be substantially equivalent, or based on similar
competencies, to an approved qualification for the specialty.
The only country of specialist training the new ESP is valid for is the United Kingdom with a Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) from the GMC.
Ireland is NOT included. Neither is Canada, USA or South Africa.
In addition, applicants must have MRCPsych.
Regulatory authority:
General Medical Council (GMC)
Membership of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCPsych), together with a Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT)
Awarding bodies:
- Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCPsych)
- Pre-2010 CCT awarded by the Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board
- Post-2010 CCT awarded by the General Medical Council of the United Kingdom
Qualification specifications:
Qualification awarded under any RCPsych curriculum from August 2007 following satisfactory completion of a General Medical Council or Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board approved specialty training program in psychiatry in the United Kingdom.
Additional evidence required:
- Membership of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCPsych)
- Confirmation of Specialist training from the GMC (see Confirmation of UK training and acquired rights).
- Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT)
- The Board may request additional information to confirm that the qualifications meet the Boards requirements. Ahpra will advise applicants if this is required.
You do not need to have a job offer to apply for this pathway.
So how will supervision work?
If you qualify for the Expedited Specialist pathway and hold specialist registration, you will be required to provide evidence that shows you have satisfied the conditions on your registration. This will include a minimum of two Supervised practice reports completed during your period of supervised practice; one after three months of supervised practice and one at the completion of six months of supervised practice.
You will need to complete at least two other assessments to demonstrate that you are competent and safe to practise as a specialist. This includes:
• a multisource feedback assessment, and
• a minimum of one other assessment type (mini-clinical evaluation exercise (Mini-CEX), direct observation of procedural skills (DOPS) or case-based discussion (CBD).
The outcomes of these assessments will be considered with your supervision reports.
Note: The Board may not require you to complete supervised practice and the assessments if you have previously satisfactorily completed a period of supervised practice in Australia in a specialist position and/or have met the relevant specialist medical college’s requirements for fellowship.
Applications will begin to be accepted on 23rd December.
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Sources: AHPRA.