- Pleasant and safe city just 1hr 30min drive from Melbourne's CBD.
- 76hr fortnight and package up to $450k pa depending on years of experience as a specialist.
- Full support for overseas trained consultant anaesthetists.
This major health service serves the population of a city and its surrounding regions, covering 37,000 square km with a catchment population of over 250,000 people. The flagship facility is a world-class major hospital. The city itself is a modern, prosperous and safe city. It has one of Victoria's best independent schools in the state and is only 1hr 30 mins drive to Melbourne. It is an easy city to get around and the housing options (compared to expensive real estate in Melbourne) are really very good and affordable.
The Anaesthesia department is accredited by the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists as a training site for anaesthetic trainees for up to 24 months of training time. It is also accredited to provide the necessary supervision for specialist international medical graduates joining as consultants. The Department is located in a state of the art complex and consists of the Anaesthetic team, nurses, acute pain nurses and administration. The Anaesthetic team consists of a number of full time and part time Specialist Anaesthetists, assisted by Registrars, who provide a wide range of services to both public and private patients.
As well as providing anaesthetic services and in a pre-admission clinic, the Anaesthetic Department provides an Acute Pain Service and an Obstetric Anaesthesia service, as well as off-site services to Medical Imaging, Intensive Care and the Emergency Department.
Reporting to the Clinical Head, you will provide anaesthesia and related services to all interventional disciplines except Cardiac Surgery, Neurosurgery and Transplant Surgery.
Other responsibilities include but are not limited to
- Provide best practice care to all patients.
- Promote and maintain a strong customer focused ethos and a sense of pride and purpose in the service.
- Provide clinical leadership and supervision/teaching for junior medical staff as well as others
- Have first class liaison skills to ensure appropriate interaction and service integration with other relevant services, especially the surgical, ED and ICU.
- Initiative and participate in clinical governance activities.
Selection criteria
- FANZCA or ANZCA assessed as substantially comparable.
- Demonstrated expert clinical ability commensurate with that expected of a specialist anaesthetist
- Evidence of ongoing professional development.
- Demonstrated ability to supervise, teach and mentor junior medical staff.
- First class communication, negotiation and team working skills.
To discover more about this location, job, our services, our free services, and a friendly non-obligatory check on your eligibility to work in Australia, please call Alasdair Spinner on +44 7414 531 583 or alasdair@spinnermedical.com
Whatever your reasons are for exploring a move to Australia - whether it's having your skills & qualifications better recognised, getting more money, discovering a new lifestyle or wanting to play more cricket with the kids - Spinner Medical Recruitment have got the go to knowledge to help you: detailed data on salaries, entitlements, hospitals, community demographics, housing, schools, partner work prospects etc.
We’re the experts on the ANZCA assessment process. Our guidance is free, easy and takes the pain out of the process for you.
We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands and waters of Australia and the Torres Strait. We acknowledge them as the first inhabitants of Australia and the traditional custodians of the lands. We also pay our respects to Elders past and present.