- A family friendly small city 2 hrs drive from Sydney or a 30 min flight (perfect for international transfers).
- 4 day week available with additional flexible working arrangements.
- Elite private school.
We provide a free, expert guidance through the expedited specialist pathway (ESP) ANZCA process, AHPRA registration etc. and help and guide you once you secure a job offer.
Community highlights
- Famous for its distinguished private schools - including Scots College co-ed.
- Amazing housing opportunities - e.g. large villas, acreages etc.
- Historic country town with low cost of living compared to Sydney.
- 2hr drive to Sydney.
- Busy domestic airport w. regular flights to Sydney.
- University town.
- Incredible choice of sports - cricket ovals, netball, basketball, olympic sized swimming pools, rugby, soccer pitches.
Opportunity highlights
- Great opportunity to maintain generalist skills with most 'bread and butter' subspecialties.
- Paeds from 12 months up.
- 4 day week available - 10hrs per day.
- Ideal for overseas trained anaesthetists.
- Oncall - 57 days a year.
- Quality and motivated multidisciplinary team.
Bathurst Health Service
Bathurst hospital is a major regional hospital - 148 beds with a busy ED. It is one of 2 big hubs of the University of Western Sydney's Rural Medicine program. Bathurst is a level C1 facility. Its intensive care Unit is a Level 4 ICU combined intensive care, coronary care and high dependency unit with seven beds. There is will be a major increase in demand for surgical services up to 2036 and a plan to develop to further develop anaesthesia and pain services. A project designed to facilitate a high level of clinical service between disciplines has been put in place. In respect to paeds moderate and selective major surgical procedures are performed by surgeons skilled in paediatric surgery with support from specialist anaesthetists.
Job scope
- Providing first class anaesthetic services for the surgical specialties at Bathurst hospital, anaesthetic pre-assessment clinics and assist to manage acute pain, obstetric and epidural services.
- Teaching, mentoring and training doctors in training and liaising with colleagues in relevant specialties as well as allied/primary care stakeholders.
- Initiate and participate in clinical governance activities.
- Participate in relevant meetings and committees.
- Maintain your own professional development and encourage others to do the same.
Selection criteria
You will
- hold FANZCA or have equivalent overseas qualifications, suitable to be either substantial or partial comparability.
- Applicants already assessed by ANZCA will be highly regarded as will
- Applicants trained in Ireland or UK will be highly regarded.
- have first class communication skills at a clinical level with an ability to develop excellent working relationships with stakeholders at all levels.
- Have a willingness to take part in the oncall roster.
- Have a commitment to research and clinical governance.
- Enjoy leadership and your role within a multidisciplinary team.
For more information please apply on this page or contact Alasdair Spinner on alasdair@spinnermedical.com or call/message 44 7414 531 583.
Spinner Medical Recruitment acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the lands and waters of Australia and the Torres Strait.We acknowledge them as the first inhabitants of the nation of Australia and the traditional custodians of the lands where people now live, learn and work. We respect all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people - their customs and their beliefs. We also pay our respects to Elders past and present.